
5 Ridiculous Things People Do To Lose Weight That Eventually Ruin Their Health

Weight loss is the most misunderstood concept in the world of fitness. Everybody wants to lose weight but very few are willing to put in the hard work and even fewer want to do it intelligently. Here are 5 stupid things people do while losing weight that end up doing more harm than good.

1. Starving!

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While calorie deficit is required to lose weight, some people mistake this for starving. You need a proper functioning metabolism to burn fat and you get it from eating the rights foods. Not eating at all will make you thin but at the expense of brittle bones, pre-mature skin ageing and puny muscles. Now the choice is yours.

2. Overusing Fat Burning Pills

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While fat burners can be of use in cases of extreme obesity, they usually wreak havoc in an average overweight person’s body. Desperate and misguided use, which is usually the case, leads to diarrhea and excessive sweating, and eventually, weakness and rebound weight gain

3. Neglecting Entire Food Category

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Cut this, cut that from your diet. Stop taking advice from your friend who has no knowledge whatsoever about weight loss. Cutting out entire food categories like carbs and fats from your diet never solves the purpose. The key to effective weight loss is meal portioning and moderation.

4. Replacing Soild Meals With Liquid Meals

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The most stupid weight-loss trend is to replace solid meals with liquid meals. Yeah, those detox and full-meal drinks being sold by the boat loads! While ‘some’ of them can be nutritious, they can never replace your breakfast, lunch or dinner.

5. Do Steady State Cardio On Empty Stomach

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Never ever do cardio on an empty stomach! Early in the morning, when you wake up, your body produces cortisol. Cortisol is a catabolic enzyme that utilizes calories from protein to fuel your body that was fasting the entire duration of your sleep. While you will hit some of your body’s fat deposits, what you’ll be primarily doing is killing your muscle.

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